PROGRAMS BY WindowsUtilities

  • WebTable Free

    WebTable extracts tables from a web page file. The resulting tables can be imported into a spreadsheet or database program. It can be difficult to transfer web table data into user data. WebTable helps automate the transfer b

  • DIRlist Free

    DIRlist prints and displays file names and user descriptions of files and subdirectories. DIRlist provides user descriptions of files and subdirectories. It can be difficult to identify a files purpose and content with just t

  • JoinLine Free

    JoinLine fixes text files with long fixed length records and unwanted line wraps. Spreadsheets and database programs import individual text records with data on the same line. However, sometimes text lines are wrapped before

  • ColorPix Free

    Color codes are show as the cursor is moved in the ColorPix window. A cursor click displays the color code in web Hex and decimal Red, Green, Blue, along with the color compliment. The ColorPix screen can be pasted from the c

  • GIFlist Free

    GIFlist is used to find an image file visually rather than by file name. It can be tedious to find and compare image files with a graphic program since they only display one image at a time. GIFlist sorts and displays all of