Constipation Relief 1

License: Free ‎File size: 42.53 KB
‎Users Rating: 4.5/5 - ‎6 ‎votes

Constipation relief on demand. Poopdoc is a natural home remedy for constipation; a treatment and cure for chronic constipation symptoms. Oxygenated colon cleansing fiber supplements. Aerobic bacteria are the GOOD bacteria that allows our digestive system to operate properly. This type of bacteria thrives on oxygen. When PoopDoc is introduced into the digestive system, the O1atom attaches itself to both good and bad bacteria. PoopDoc cleans the entire 25-30 feet of the digestive tract. It is designed to clean, oxidize and reduce the amount of impaction and hard fecal matter in the small intestine, large intestine and colon.


  • Version 1 posted on 2008-08-15

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