Del Ad for Internet Explorer 4.0.4258

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 2.88 MB
‎Users Rating: 1.3/5 - ‎3 ‎votes

Del Ad is a fast and efficient adblocker for Internet Explorer. With Del Ad, all advertisement will be removed automatically from the websites you browse, and it allows you to enjoy the web without annoying ads! Various settings allow you to customize the Del Ad addon to your personal preferences. - Made for all current versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer - Surf the web faster and safer - Blocks ads before they are downloaded - Always up-to-date with automatic software and filter updates Simply the latest and fastest adblocker for Internet Explorer on the market.


  • Version 4.0.4258 posted on 2015-09-09
    Added support for Internet Explorer 11

Program Details