DishPointer Pro 2.3.3

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 1.99 MB
‎Users Rating: 4.1/5 - ‎17 ‎votes

DishPointer Pro: Point your phone towards the sky to see on the live camera screen where the satellites are, any line of sight (LoS) issues and the look angles. Couldn't be easier to install your sat dish with this augmented reality satellite finder. + SCREEN Capture: show your customers no line of sight issues, save it to the sd card or email it to back office. + Works with all geostationary satellites + Works everywhere around the world + No Internet access needed to operate it (occasionally it is required) + Add, edit and delete satellites + Select favorite satellites


  • Version 2.3.3 posted on 2018-04-13
    Bug fix
  • Version 2.2.2 posted on 2012-10-08
    Several fixes and updates
  • Version 2.2.2 posted on 2012-10-08
    v. 2.2.2,- Fix: On some devices, the soft menu button in satellite list view would not appear,v. 2.2.1,- Fix: On some devices, the camera would lock up,v. 2.2,- NEW: Auto-Calibrate,- NEW: User instructions updated.,- Enhancement: Location updates improved,- Fix: Several minor bug fixes,If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected], we reply to all emails.,Please leave a few positive words on the Play Store review system if you like this update.

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