AdBlock for Mobile 2.0.0
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ABOUT AdBlock for Mobile
Stop seeing ads on the web. AdBlock is the completely free, #1 most popular content blocker for Safari, with over 50 million users across all browsers. AdBlock. Accept no substitutes. * NEW: Custom language setting to block region-specific ads * Easy setup, with ad blocking test function * Save battery life by only loading the content you care about * Save money on monthly data usage * Enjoy faster web page performance * Built-in privacy protection with anti-tracking * A straightforward interface to get you blocking ads as quickly as possible. Run the app once and go. * Free, blazing-fast, automagical updates and optimized block lists from our own, dedicated server * Free, responsive support * Unobtrusive ads aren't being blocked in order to support websites. Frequently Asked Questions: * What's the catch? There isn't one. * Does AdBlock block iAds? AdBlock will only block ads you see on websites, including video ads, Facebook, and everywhere else.