Algebra(U) 2.1

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ABOUT Algebra(U)

**REAL TEACHER TAUGHT LESSONS** Algebra This algebra course teaches basic number operations, variables and their applications. Gain a fundamental sense of equations, inequalities and their solutions. This course offers 11 full chapters with 6-8 lessons each chapter that present short easy to follow algebra videos. These 5 to 10 minutes videos take students through the lesson slowly and concisely. Algebra is taken by students who have gained skills like operation with number, rational numbers, basic equations and the basic coordinate plane.

Chapter 1 Algebra Tools1.1 Variables and Expressions1.2 Exponents anf Order of Operations1.3 Exploring Real Numbers1.4 Adding Real Numbers1.5 Subtracting Integers1.6 Multiply and Dividing Real Numbers1.7 The Distributive Property1.8 Properties of Numbers1.9 Number Systems1.10 Functions and Graphs

Chapter 2 Solving Equations2.1 Solving Two Step Equations2.2 Solving Muti Step Equations2.3 Solving Equations With Variables on Both sides2.4 Ratios and Proportions2.5 Equations and Problem Solving2.6 Mixture Problems2.7 Percent of Change2.8 Solving For a Special value2.9 Weighted Averages

Chapter 3 Solving Inequalities3.1 Inequalities and their Graphs3.2 Solving Inequailty by Add Subtract3.3 Solve an Inequality Mutiplying and Dividing3.4 Solve Muti Step Inequalities3.5 Solving Compund Inequal3.6 Absolute Value And Inequal3.7 Graphing Systems of Inequalities3.8 Graphing Inequalities in Two variables

Chapter 4 Graphs and Functions4.1 Graphing data on the Coordinate Plane4.2 Greatest Common Divisor4.3 Equivalent Fractions4.4 Equivalent Forms of Rational Numbers4.5 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers4.6 Direct Variation4.7 Deductive and Inductive

Chapter 5 Linear Equations and Their Graphs5.1 Rate of Change and Slope5.2 Slope Intercept Form5.3 Standard Form5.4 Point Slope Form5.5 Parallel and Perpendicular

Chapter 6 System of Equations and Inequalities6.1 Solve Systems by Graphing6.2 Solve Systems using Substition6.3 Solve Systems Using Elimination6.4 Application of Systems of Equations6.5 Linear Inequalities6.6 Systems of Inequalities

Chapter 7 Exponents7.1 Zero and Negative Exponents7.2 Scientific Notation7.3 Multiplication Properties of Exponents7.4 More on Multiplications of Exponents7.5 Division Properties of Exponents

Chapter 8 Polynomials and Factoring8.1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials8.2 Multiplying and Factoring Polynomials8.3 Multiply Binomials (FOIL)8.4 Multiply Special cases8.5 Factor Trinomials (a=1)8.7 Special cases of factoring polynomials8.8 Factoring polynomials using grouping8.9 Multiplying Monomials8.10 Dividing Mononials8.11 Special Products of Binomials8.12 Factor Difference of Squares8.13 Perfect Squares

Chapter 9 Quadratic Equations and Functions9.1 Exploring Graphing Quadratics9.2 Quadratic Equation9.3 Finding and Estimating Square Roots9.4 Solving Quadratic Equations9.5 Factor Quadratic ro Solve9.6 Complete the Square to Solve Quadratics9.7 Solve Quadratic Equations using the Quadratic Formula9.8 Using Discriminant9.9 Graphing Quadratics9.10 Exponent Functions9.11 Growth and Decay

Chapter 10 Radical Expressions and Equations10.1 Simplify Radicals10.2 The Pythagorean Theorem10.3 Operations with radical Expressions10.4 Solve Radical Equations10.5 Graphing Square Root Functions10.6 The Distance Formula

11.1 Simplify Rational Expressions11.2 Multiply and Divdiding Rational Expressions11.3 Divide Polynomials11.4 Adding and Subtracting rational Expressions11.5 Rational Equations11.6 Inverse Variation