AS3Obfuscator 1.1.1

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 4.45 MB
‎Users Rating: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes

ABOUT AS3Obfuscator

Flash ActionScript protection - ActionScript obfuscator, protects Flash source code, the .AS and .FLA files, making them very hard to understand, if viewed with decompiler. Protects/encrypts/obfuscates Flash projects on source level. It is the only utility that can protect .FLA files (frame actionscript, instances, classes), along with .AS files - it can work together with Flash, as flash extension. Without Flash, working as standalone program-obfuscates only .AS files. The actionscript identifiers are mangled-renamed irreversibly. Options say which type of identifiers should be mangled (classes,vars,functions,etc.). You can exclude from mangling a list of specific identifiers. Also-if a type of identifiers should not be mangled-you can include a list. In the exclude/include lists you can provide a group of identifiers with wildcard character ("*" character). Optionally the strings can be encrypted in the source files - in runtime they are decrypted. Optionally the comments can be removed from the actionscript code. A problem with obfuscators in general is that they can change a program's semantic. That is, it could break - could happen if the program computes names of variables/functions at runtime. Imagine you obfuscate, and the program stops working. Any idea how to find a problem in obfuscated .swf? With obfuscated source it could be possible to locate the problem. AS3Obfuscators permits finding original identifiers from(and to) obfuscated. Also, the source can be easy obfuscated again after changing some of the options or ignoring some identifiers. AS3Obfuscators also tries to detect some simple possible uses of computing identifier names at runtime, so you do not need to add them in the ignore list. It can search for declared identifier names used in a string - Example: var myVariable; this["myVariable"] String concatenation - Example: this["my"+"Variable"] Adding a number at the end - Example: var i:int=0; this["myVar"+i]