Aviation Exam - EASA 8.6.7
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ABOUT Aviation Exam - EASA
Prepare for your EASA written exams with us and study also offline. The question bank is constantly updated and maintained to effectively prepare you for your exams. Do not hesitate any longer and download the application now! Our application brings you many beneficial features and advantages: * Frequently updated and constantly maintained question bank * All EASA subjects covered - over 16 000 EASA prep questions * Suitable for helicopter and airplane studies * Explanation to all Aviationexam questions (EASA prep) * Advanced statistics, reports and progress monitoring * Cross-platform synchronisation of user data and testing history * Offline preparation through the app * High quality picture supplements * Flag questions for further review or to ignore some of them * Assisting you with your exam preparation since 2004 * Various FAA ebooks for free: Airplane Flying Handbook, Aviation Weather, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge and many others Our products will assist you in your studies for theoretical pilot exams. Each EASA prep question is accompanied with a detailed explanation to aid you and if still in doubt, you can engage in a discussion through the question comments and debate with fellow students. Discover your weaknesses and hone your skills with advanced statistics and features. With Aviation Exam applications, you can learn even when you do not have internet connection. The database is equipped with filters so you can efficiently focus on what is relevant for you - ATPL, CPL, IR, CBIR/EIR, FOC for EASA prep - both for helicopters and airplanes. All EASA subjects covered: * 010 Air Law, * 021 Airframe, Systems, Electrics, Power Plant, * 022 Instrumentation, * 031 Mass & Balance, * 032 + 034 Performance (Airplane + Helicopter), * 033 Flight Planning & Monitoring, * 040 Human Performance & Limitations, * 050 Meteorology, * 061 General Navigation, * 062 Radio Navigation, * 070 Operational Procedures, * 081 + 082 Principles of Flight (Airplane + Helicopter), * 091 + 092 VFR + IFR Communications Stay up to date with Aviationexam and learn what's new right away! Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Aviationexam Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/aviationexam If you like our app, please rate it. Thank you!