Bluetooth Command Line Tools
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ABOUT Bluetooth Command Line Tools
Bluetooth Command Line Tools are a set of command line utilities for Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 which allow you to configure bluetooth adapter, discover remote bluetooth devices and their services, push files to remote devices through OBEX. All utilities can be launched from a batch script or manually from the Windows command prompt. The suite consists of four utilities: "btinfo" - Prints information about the local bluetooth adapter. "btconfig" - Modifies friendly name, Class-of-device, discoverable and connectable states of the local bluetooth radio. "btpair" - Pairs your computer with remote bluetooth devices "btdiscovery" - Discovers remote blueotooth devices and services. "btobex" - Pushes files to remote devices through OBEX. "btftp" - Transfers files between PC and remote device. "btcom" - Creates COM port mappings for bluetooth services.