BPUT Calculator 5.1
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ABOUT BPUT Calculator
This App is only for BPUT (Biju Patnaik University of Technology)students ! Features: - Calculate CGPA & SGPA anytime with this powerful app. - Its a offline Calculator . - powerful database. - This app helps you to calculate your SGPA ,CGPA & % mannually. - The SGPA & CGPA is calculated using the credits of each semester stored in our database.
- bput calculator currently supports --> 1. B.Tech 2. MCA 3. M.Tech(Comming Soon) 4. MBA
- The grade stands for :
- O(OutStanding),- E(Excellent), A(Good), B(Average),- C(Below Average),- D(Pass),- F(Fail),- M(Malpractice),- S(Absent).
* If you are a student under BPUT ,then this is the primary app ,that should have installed in your smart phone... so that at any instant you can calculate your sgpa and decide your future :)
* NB-Any bug,just mail me - [email protected],Join me on Facebook- www.facebook.com/soumya.sethy