Cryptography - Collection of ciphers and hashes 1.9.1

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ABOUT Cryptography - Collection of ciphers and hashes

Cryptography is a cipher, hashing, encoding and learning tool for all ages. Cryptography has also many tools from anagram solving to password generation. Download it now and see much more! ★ Rate and give feedback ★ Source code: Ciphers • Scytale cipher. • Polybius Square. • Atbash cipher. • Caesar cipher. • Rot 1 - 25 cipher. • Affine cipher. • Rail Fence cipher. • Keyword cipher. • Beaufort cipher. • Templar Cipher with image send feature. • Porta cipher. • Vigenere cipher. • Gronsfeld cipher. • Autokey cipher. • Bacon Cipher. • Chaocipher. • Adfgvx cipher. • Playfair cipher. • Two-Square cipher (currently encrypt). • Tri-Square cipher (currently encrypt). • Four-Square cipher (currently encrypt). • One-time pad. • BIFID cipher. • Trifid cipher. • Hill Cipher with editable Matrix. • Visual Cryptography. • Enigma cipher with saveable settings. • RSA cipher with custom keys • Blowfish cipher • Twofish cipher (next gen Blowfish) • Threefish cipher • Rijndael (AES) cipher • SCrypt (Password-based key derivation function, in progress) • Elliptic Curve Diffie-helleman AES, similar to Curve25519 • ChaCha cipher (Salsa20) • Cast5 • Cast6 • Shacal2 • Shamir's Secret Sharing (SSS) algorithm. • RC2 • RC4 • RC5 • RC6 • Triple DES • Serpent • SkipJack • ElGamal • Anubis. • Khazad. Hashes • Whirlpool 0 / 1 / W (hashing) • HMAC - SHA1 / SHA256 / SHA512 (advanced hashing) • Adler32 (hashing) • CRC - 8 / 16 / 24 / 64 (hashing) • ELF-32 (hashing) • FCS-16 (hashing) • HAS-160 (hashing) • MD-2/4/5 (hashing) • RIPEMD - 128 / 160 / 256 / 320 (hashing) • SHA - 0 / 1 / 2-224 / 2-256 / 2-384 / 2-512 / 3-224 / 3-256 / 3-384 / 3-512 (hashing) • Shake 128 / Shake 256 • Tiger - T / T2 / 128 / 160 (hashing) • Sum - 8 / 16 (hashing) • Xor8 (hashing) • GOST (hashing) • BCrypt (hashing) • PBKDF2 (hashing) with java|php example. • SipHash hashing algorithm. • Skein hash. • Keccak hash. • Argon2 hash. (remote api) • Blake2b • SM3 hash. Encodings • Base32 • Base64 • Base85 | Ascii85 • Base91 • Morse code encoder with sound playback. Sound may be annoying. • Braille • Semaphore • Tap Code • ASL (American Sign Language) • Pigpen • Elian Script • Betamaze • A1Z26 • T9 • RLE - Run-length encoding Tools • Unknown cipher tool. • WhatsApp message decipher tool. • Anagram solver tool. • Password generator tool. • Checksum tool for text and files. • Custom Hmac SHA 1/256 + SHA256 password authentication digest creator tool. (java|php examples) • File Encryption Tool. Read tutorial from links which are included in explanation view or in tool question mark. • Hash Cracker resources. • Password Strength checker tool. • Frequency Analysis. • ASCII table (8-bit/255) with search function. • Binary, Hexadecimal, Decimal and Octal table with search function. • Text Binary converter. • Decimal Binary converter. • Hexadecimal Binary converter. • Integer(number) Binary converter. • Hex Ascii converter. • Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) with explanation. • AFSK (Audio Frequency-shift keying) generator. Receiver comes in future releases. • Steganography, encrypt decrypt tool in build. • ASCII Font Art tool. • Normal QR Code generator. • Normal QR code reader (camera or image) • Encrypted QR codes reader for supported ciphers. • Nato phonetic alphabet. - Includes link to very good online SHA1 cracker. Algorithms • Blum Blum Shub generator. • Haversine formula. Links Contact: Eula: