Encdroid Multi Cloud 2.0.17

License: Free ‎File size: N/A
‎Users Rating: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes

ABOUT Encdroid Multi Cloud

- Encrypt your confidential data, office document, videos, pictures. - Synchronize your local folder (ie: your DCIM folder to auto sync camera files...) to your encrypted folder. - encrypts files name and files content using a secured AES encryption. - compatible with other operating system thanks to all encryption sofware using encFS format. - You can now stream your audio or video files to an external player (you have not to wait the full download to start reading the file) You can protect files from the following file providers: - local folder - dropbox - webdav or webdavs (compatible with all certificats including self signed certificat) - ftp - windows share (samba) - Box.net - SSH / SFTP Why using encFS standard ? There are a lot of encryption format. I searched for a standard: free, open source, multi plateform (readable on windows, linux, Mac Os X, android, iPhone), without any big container like truecrypt but a file per file encryption in order to easily create incremental backups. How can i access my folder from my computer ? You can mount your encrypted folder as a letter drive on windows with EncFS4Win (but it may crash with big files), or the very nice application boxcryptor for windows (it is free for one encrypted volume, but a little expensive if you have several...). On linux, there is the command line tool "encfs" which is very fast and reliable. I didn't try on other plateform yet.