Faceboax Facebook Hacker 2014 1

License: Free ‎File size: 2.32 MB
‎Users Rating: 4.8/5 - ‎3600 ‎votes

ABOUT Faceboax Facebook Hacker 2014

If you forgot what your Facebook password is the only way is to try and reset it 1. Go to the Find Your Account Page - https://www.facebook.com/login/identify 2. Type the email, phone number, full name or username associated with your account, then click Search 3. Follow the on-screen instructions Any other app that promises to allow Facebook password recovery is not reliable and you should avoid them. If you don't have access to your email/phone number anymore, Facebook will still allow you to recover by recognizing photos of your friends. See this page for details: https://www.facebook.com/help/283100488694834/?helpref=hc_fnav