imgcnvrt.dll - Image Converter DLL 1.0
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ABOUT imgcnvrt.dll - Image Converter DLL
imgcnvrt.dll - Image Converter DLL (COM/OLE) - an Automation DLL Library INPUT FORMATS: Bitmaps: BMP,DIB,RLE CompuServe GIF: GIF JPEGs: JPG,JPEG,JPE,JFIF,JIF JPEG2000: JP2,J2C,J2K,JPC Photodhop: PSD Portable Bitmaps: PBM,PGM,PPM,PXM Portable Network Graphics: PNG Targa: TGA,VDA,ICB,VST TIFFs: TIF,TIFF,FAX,G3N,G3F Windows Cursor: CUR Windows Enhanced Metafile: EMF Windows Icon: ICO Windows Metafile: WMF Wireless Bitmap: WBMP ZSoft Paintbrush: PCX,DCX OUTPUT FORMATS:Adobe Acrobat: PDF Bitmaps: BMP CompuServe GIF: GIF JPEGs: JPG JPEG2000: JP2,J2K Portable Bitmaps: PXM Portable Network Graphics: PNG Targa: TGA TIFFs: TIF Windows Icon: ICO Wireless Bitmap: WBMP ZSoft Paintbrush: PCX,DCX MULTIPAGE IMAGE CONVERSION The multipage input TIF and DCX files can be converted to multipage DCX,TIF or PDF files. If output filetype is differ than DCX,TIF or PDF then a set of single-page files will be created (somefile-page1.bmp, somefile-page2.bmp etc.)