OTP m-banking HR 1.4.3

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ABOUT OTP m-banking HR

Opis OTP banka d.d. Hrvatska svoju ponudu proizvoda i usluga dopunila je aplikacijom mobilnog bankarstva pod nazivom OTP m-banking koja je namijenjena korisnicima pametnih telefona baziranih na iOS operativnom sustavu. Aplikacija omogućuje razne preglede po prometnim i tednim računima, različite financijske transakcije, te ostale funkcionalnosti slijedi: FUNKCIONALNOSTI APLIKACIJE OTP m-banking Otvoreni dio aplikacije: -Uvid u važeću tečajnu listu i arhivu tečajnih lista -Navigaciju prema najbližoj poslovnici ili bankomatu OTP banke -Demo verziju aplikacije -Prijavu u OTP direkt OTP direkt funkcionalnost korisniku nudi sljedeće mogućnosti: -Zadavanje kunskih platnih naloga -Zadavanje internih prijenosa -Kupovinu i prodaju valute -Prijenos na WEB karticu -Prijenos na PayPass prepaid karticu -Prijenos na kreditne (revolving) bankovne kartice -Pohranu i ažuriranje predložaka platnih naloga i internih prijenosa -Preglede zadanih naloga po statusu i periodu -Pregled podataka o računima i promet -Pregled detalja tednje -Pregled detalja bankovnih kartica i promet -Pregled detalja kredita -Pregled stanja udjela u investicijskim fondovima -Pregled aktivnih trajnih naloga -Kalkulator valuta -Depozitni kalkulator -Kalkulator kredita -Po tanski pretinac (mailbox) -Razne korisne informacije i automatske poveznice SIGURNOST Kori tenje OTP m-banking aplikacije za iOS platforme mobilnih telefona je potpuno sigurno. Aplikacija je za tićena osobnim PIN-om koji je poznat samo vlasniku mobilnog ure aja, te uz implementirani softverski token aplikacija osigurava potpunu sigurnost korisnika u slučaju kra e ili gubitka mobilnog ure aja. Podaci vezani uz račune i PIN ne pohranjuju se u mobitel, čime je zajamčena tajnost podataka. Description OTP banka d.d. Hrvatska has supplemented its range of products and services with a mobile banking application under the name OTP m-banking, which has been intended for everyone with a smart phone working on the iOS operating system. In addition to the functionalities specified below, the application enables checking one s current and savings accounts, and various financial transactions. FUCTIONALITIES OF OTP m-banking application Portion of the application publicly available for download: -Access to the applicable and archived currency exchange rates -Navigation to the nearest branch or ATM location -Demo version of the application -Logging into OTP direkt OTP direct functionality offers the user the following options: -Issuing HRK payment orders (internal or external), with a delayed payment option -Giving orders for internal transfers -Foreign currency sale or purchase -Transfer of funds to WEB bank card -Transfer to PayPass prepaid card -Transfer to revolving card account -Saving and updating of payment order and internal transfer templates -Overview of given orders by status and by selected period -Overview of account information and turnover -Overview of details of existing savings -Overview of details of bank cards and related accounts turnover -Overview of details of existing loans -Overview of balance of units in investment funds -Overview of standing orders -Currency calculator -Deposit calculator -Loan calculator -Mailbox -Various useful information and direct links SAFETY Use of OTP m-banking application for iOS mobile platforms is completely safe. In addition to the PIN protected application (PIN known only to the mobile phone owner), the integrated software token provides complete safety even in case of a theft or loss of the mobile phone. The information connected to accounts and PIN are not automatically stored on the phone, which means that confidentiality is guaranteed.