PROTAGON File Crypters 7
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PFC (PROTAGON File Crypters) is a collection of file encrypters having these features: - Command-line driven (CLI), Win32CRT, small executable, no dependency - Unrestricted freeware, lightweight, simple, straightforward usage - Don't write configuration to disk nor Windows registry and don't need to (portable, no littering) - Each crypter uses different cipher, yet sharing very similar interface - Crypto elements/parameters in each encrypter are tuned individually to the cipher for maximum crypto-safety - Supports known, unbroken, modern ciphers beside AES yet also the experimental, interesting ones - Uses conventional authenticated encryption, verified decryption, and also fast verification - Uses strong hash function, PRNG, randomized salt, highly iterated key derivation, etc. just like any good file encrypter should - Uses passphrase display hider, passphrase confirmation, etc.