Spot a fault

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 176.13 KB
‎Users Rating: 5.0/5 - ‎3 ‎votes

ABOUT Spot a fault

Spot a fault is an easy-to-use, yet versatile class library with out-of-the-box functionality to log and view raised events in ASP.NET applications, both Classic and MVC. Primarily designed as a plug-in, the Spot a fault log component draws heavily on classes in the System.Web.Management namespace and can log any event contained in or derived from that namespace without having to re-compile the host application. Events that you can log include; unhandled exceptions, successful and unsuccessful login attempts, application restarts, configuration errors, compilation errors, viewstate validation errors, periodic application healthmonitoring, 404 File Not Found and many more. If you have non-standard requirements, you can also easily raise custom events from your own code. For example, you may want to log attempts to access a resource, or every time someone tries to access specific (and perhaps sensitive) code in your application. Regardless of the situation, event logging can potentially save you many late hours trying to reproduce errors that only occur after deployment, or trying to find out how and why your site was hacked. Spot a fault is built using best practices and is fully functional in most server environments, including those where AspNetHostingPermissionLevel Medium Trust is enforced, such as some shared hosting environments. It is CLS compliant, FxCop compliant and outputs valid HTML and XML wherever applicable. You can install Spot a fault in the Bin folder of your application or, to make it available to multiple web applications, in the Global Assembly Cache. There is full support for synchronous and asynchronous logging to XML file on disk, to MS SQL server, to memory log and to email recipients. The built-in event viewer lets you restrict access by the use of access objects based on ASP.NET roles, safe IP addresses or string tokens. It provides a RSS feed and functionality to filter, sort, export and delete events.