Taxibeet pt. Soferi 3.2

License: Free ‎File size: 6.40 MB
‎Users Rating: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes

ABOUT Taxibeet pt. Soferi

Esti sofer de taxi ? Taxibeat este o aplicatie revolutionara care te ajuta in a gasi noi clienti si micsoreaza timpul petrecut singur in masina .O tehnologie de ultima ora care ii ajuta pe calatori sa te gaseasca mai repede si sa te cheme cu ajutorul smartphone-ului

- Fara taxa de inscriere.Tot ce ai nevoie sa devii membru este sa detii un Smartphone ( Android sau iPhone )- Fara angajamente sau obligatii.Folosesti aplicatia doar cand vrei si esti diponibil sa gasesti clienti noi.- Nu primesti comenzi de la nimeni.Raspunzi clientilor doar apasand pe ecranul telefonului. Fara apeluri telefonice, fara statii.- Cat de sigur se poate ! Cand pasagerul/a solicita o cursa, poti vedea comentarii despre el/ea ( scrise de colegii tai ) si hotarasti daca vrei sau nu sa accepti cursa.La sfarsitul cursei lasi un comentariu si ne spui daca ai avut probleme cu pasagerul/a

Descarca Taxibeat chiar acum si inregistreaza-te direct prin intermediul aplicatiei.

- Activarea continua a GPS-ului poate sa scada durata de viata a bateriei


Are you a taxi driver? Taxibeat is a revolutionary application that assists you in finding customers and decreases the time you spend alone in your taxi. A groundbreaking technology which helps passengers track you down and hail you through their smartphone.

-No registration cost. All you need to join Taxibeat is a Smartphone (Android or iPhone)-No commitments or obligations. You use the service only when you are available and need customers.-You don’t take orders from anybody. You simply reply to the passengers requests by tapping the screen. No phone calls, no radios.-As safe as it gets! When the passenger requests a ride, you can view comments on him /her (written by colleagues of yours) and decide whether you will accept or reject the call. At the end of the ride you update the system by telling us if you had any problems with the customer.

Download Taxibeat today and register via the application

-Continuous GPS use may drain your battery life.

Present as "taxibeat" in Brazil, Greece, France, Norway, pronounced "taxibit" everywhere!