Vectis i-RAS 2.10.0

License: Free ‎File size: 30.83 MB
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ABOUT Vectis i-RAS

RAS Mobile allows you to access remote sites and monitor live video via network connection anytime, anywhere. Supported DVRs and IP cameras: # Vectis HX Hybrid Recorder - Vectis HX0808 and HX1616 series # SISTORE AX Digital Recorder - SISTORE AX4-Lite V2, V4 or later - SISTORE AX V2.8, V3.6 or V4 or later Features: # Selecting any camera from up to 16 channels (only analogue cameras, no IP camera at this stage) # Auto-rotating screen # Screen size selectable between original aspect ratio and full screen via double-tapping #PTZ available #User Interface Update #The available layouts are different from the mobile device type: single-screen only for iPod Touch, single-screen and 2x2 for iPhone, single-screen to 4x4 for iPad Device Requirements: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad