Enterprise Architect 13

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‎Users Rating: 2.5/5 - ‎13 ‎votes

Sparx Systems' Enterprise Architect is a fully featured tool suite that lets you model, design, simulate, prototype, build, test, manage and trace from vision to solution. Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is used by companies of all sizes from large, well-known multi-national organizations to smaller independent companies and consultants. Enterprise Architect is also deployed across a wide range of industries including: aerospace, banking, web development, engineering, finance, medicine, military, research, academia, transport, retail, utilities (gas, electricity etc.), electrical engineering and many more. It is used effectively for UML and business architecture training purposes in many prominent colleges and universities around the world.


  • Version 13 posted on 2016-11-30
    Version 13. For a full list please see: http://www.sparxsystems.com/products/ea_history.html
  • Version 8 posted on 2010-07-14
    Version 8 gives you unprecedented power to link and transform vital model information, this major release enhances your modeling experience with superior use case analysis, dynamic visual filtering, workspace customization, expanded business rules and workflow scripting.

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