G'FIVE H600 PC Suite 2.10

License: Free ‎File size: 5.87 MB
‎Users Rating: 2.4/5 - ‎26 ‎votes

The G'FIVE H600 PC Suite contains in the package the drivers for Windows XP and 7, the actual Phone suite for the G’Five mobile phones and a user manual. The Phone suite contains the following options: - The PhoneBook to add, edit and delete contacts from the phone and the PC - Message for managing your SMS and e-mails on the phone and the PC. - The Settings tab is for connection management and SMS settings - Images is for setting up your phone wallpaper - The Melody button is for ringtones setup - MMS is for multimedia messages management. - The file manager can be used to handle other file types.


  • Version 2.10 posted on 2010-05-14
    Several fixes and updates
  • Version 2.10 posted on 2010-05-14

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