Hilol eBook 2.6.0

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Hilol eBook - is an application for electronic books of e-hilolnashr.uz website. From our website e-hilolnashr.uz You can buy ebooks in uzbek and russian languages from publishing house "HILOL NASHR", including the world-famous scientist, spiritual teacher and public figure Sheikh Muhammad Sadik Muhammad Yusuf. In his works is given a clear and objective view of Islam. It reflects the broadest knowledge of the Islamic sciences and the history of the Muslim society.


  • Version 2.0.9 posted on 2016-10-17
    2.0.9,- Sotib olish bilan bog'liq ba'zi noqulayliklar tuzatildi,2.0.7,- Xatoliklar tuzatildi,2.0.6,- Google Play Market orqali harid qilish imkoni qo'shildi,2.0.5,- Android 6 (Marshmallow) dagi xatolik tuzatildi,2.0.4,- Ilovaga kirishdagi ko'rinish va dastur ichidagi ko'rinishlar yangilandi,2.0.3,- kitob o'qishdagi ba'zi paytdagi xatolar tuzatildi,2.0.2,- parol terishdagi kamchilik to'g'rilandi,2.0.1,- ba'zi kamchiliklar tuzatildi,2.0.0:,yangi ko'rinishda

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