JAA Roulette Physics Analysis Software 2.0

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 759.81 KB
‎Users Rating: 3.8/5 - ‎6 ‎votes

Casino gaming software to predict where the roulette ball will land in the game of roulette. It uses physics and known variables of a roulette wheel to predict winning numbers. It only works on some physical roulette wheels. The software can be applied on virtually any computer with internet access. The concept of using roulette physics is not new and dates back hundreds of years. Physics is widely accepted as the only viable method to predict roulette spins. The software is not magic, and only capable of succeeding on a third of modern roulette wheels, with a varying degree of success. But it beats enough roulette wheels to be a viable income source for professional players.


  • Version 2.0 posted on 2014-03-18
    Cleaner interface

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