Lemon iT 717 PC Suite 2.6.1

License: Free ‎File size: 11.53 MB
‎Users Rating: 3.4/5 - ‎49 ‎votes

The Lemon iT 717 PC Suite has been developed for the Lemon mobile phones and contains the features to manage the various functions of the device. This includes: - PhoneBook is for contacts management and editing - Message is for handling SMS - Settings for connection properties - Images is for setting up your wallpaper - Melody is for ringtone setup - MMS is for multimedia management - File Manager is for handling the other supported file types


  • Version 2.6.1 posted on 2010-03-01
    Several fixes and updates
  • Version 2.6.1 posted on 2010-03-01

Program Details