Oriya Songs, Oriya music online, Listen to live streaming of oriya music online, fullorissa.com is the Highest Visited web portal of Odisha and also the official web partner of Odia movie Industry.
our online version of music portal is over here http://music.fullorissa.com
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- Version 0.1 posted on 2013-02-20
Several fixes and updates - Version 0.1 posted on 2013-02-20
Friends, we are still developing this, so do not get disappointed this is just our first step to take Odia songs to the next level. By our next update you will get a better search facility, an online radio streaming, the tracks in a much interesting manner.
Program Details
- Category: Audio & Multimedia > Audio File Players
- Publisher: Fullodisha
- License: Free
- Price: N/A
- Version: 0.1
- Platform: android