PHP DataGrid - DataGrid Script, DataGrid Control 4.2.8

License: Free ‎File size: 1.30 MB
‎Users Rating: 3.0/5 - ‎18 ‎votes

Free PHP DataGrid script is a simple, innovative and powerful tool for generating data-bound grid control. It was specially designed for web developers. The PHP DataGrid is excellent for all PHP database-driven web sites and online-based data administration; it is also useful for dynamic content management and PHP-based hosting providers. The goal of this script is to simplify the generation and editing of DataGrid for web developers. The PHP DG is an excellent tool for: - PHP database-driven web sites - Adding Back-End for existing sites; - Creating online-based data administration; - Creating dynamic content management or your own CMS.


  • Version 4.2.8 posted on 2008-12-11
    Bugs fixed.

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