ProteinID Finder 1.8.2

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 5.36 MB
‎Users Rating: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes

ProteinID Finder is a proteomics analyzation software capable of extracting information from the online universal protein resource database UniProt. ProteinID Finder imports your mass spectrometer analyzed protein lists (uniprot accession numbers) into experiments and organizes your proteomics experiments into workspaces. You can share workspaces with your collaborators so everyone is working on the same data. ProteinID Finder can compare multiple experiments and identify trends or similarities between experiments, a powerful tool to identify potential biomarkers. Features in v1.8.0: - Workspaces, queries and views are automatically kept current with Uniprot's latest database release. - Integrated feedback system, where you can submit bug reports or request new features. - Extract user specific information from Uniprot's database with the new Query Designer tool. - Build custom output reports of multiple queries with the new View Builder tool. - Share queries and views with other users and collaborators. - Analyzation engine has been optimized to support up to 10,000 proteins with unprecedented speed. - ProteinID Finder runs on Windows 7, Vista and Mac OS X Snow Lepoard. - ProteinID Finder now has an integrated feedback system, where you can submit bug reports or request new features.


  • Version 1.8.2 posted on 2010-03-08
    Improved Spreadsheet with zoom, frozen columns and scroll function. Heat map capable of displaying up to 6 variables. Possibility of trial licenses

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