PROGRAMS BY 3Beam Technologies LLC

  • ListBuddy Free

    ListBuddy is a shopping list manager for Android. Sort by item or aisle. Use one hand to check off items as you shop.Create a list from a text message or the web.When entering items, ListBuddy will guess the correct aisle. U

  • Big White Numbers Clock Widget Free

    This is a 3x4 sized analog clock widget for your homescreen. To add it to your homescreen, long-press on an empty area of the homescreen. Click "Widgets" and choose "Big White Numbers Clock" widget.

  • ListBuddy No Ads Free Trial

    ListBuddy is a shopping list manager for Android. Sort by item or aisle. Use one hand to check off items as you shop.Create a list from a text message or the web.When entering items, ListBuddy will guess the correct aisle. U