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    A NetCDF file is a format of file that usually uses in climate data. NetCDF files usually has multi-dimension that each dimension is a separate variable. NetCDF variables that contain coordinate data are referred to as coordi

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    The K-nearest neighbors (K-NN) is an analogous approach. This method has its origin as a non-parametric statistical pattern recognition procedure to distinguish between different patterns according to a selection criterion. T

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    Unidatas Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) was developed and is maintained at Unidata, part of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Community Programs (UCP). Unidata is funded primarily by the National S

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    Assessment and Monitoring DroughtMeteorological droughts, which is caused by a decit in precipitation with respect to the climatological average for a given period and region. To measuring the value of drought, we need a use