PROGRAMS BY AlterSourcing

  • AlterSourcing Grip Control Free Trial

    The Grip control for MS .Net allows for making any forms and controls resizable in any direction. Grip control can be used together with the DDButton control to create complicated drop-down controls with resizable drop-down

  • AlterSourcing PopUp Control Free Trial

    The PopUp control for MS .Net allows developers to build context menus and popup windows with literally few lines of code. The popup form behaves just like the common popup window.

  • AlterSourcing DropDown Control Free Trial

    The DDButton control for MS .Net allows developers to build any custom comboboxes, drop-down and auto-complete controls with literally few lines of code. The Demo Kit contains source code of several ready-to-use controls inc

  • AlterSourcing ToolTip Control Free Trial

    The ToolTip control for MS .Net allows for easy creation of custom tooltips including tooltip windows of classic style, ICQ-style tool tips, alert windows, and any kind of dynamic hints.