PROGRAMS BY artsapps

  • Cajon Flamenco Free Trial

    Create your own "cajon" patterns! Use the default rhythms to practice! (Bulerias, Alegrías, Soleares, Seguiriyas, Tanguillos, Fandangos, Rumbas, Tangos)

  • Flamenco Metronome DEMO Free

    Flamenco Metronome is not just a simple metronome: it is a powerful tool for the study and practice of flamenco´s compass and music. It includes all the most important flamenco palos (Bulerías, Jaleos, Alegr&iacu

  • Flamenco Palmas Free Trial

    Learn to play Flamenco "palmas" and create your own palmas patterns to practice!It includes 9 patterns of palmas for bulerías, 3 for alegrías, 5 for soleares, 2 for jaleos, 3 for tangos, 2 for rumbas, 6 for fa

  • Flamenco Metronome PRO Free Trial

    MF is not just a simple metronome: it is a powerful tool for the study and practice of flamenco´s compás and music. It includes all the most important flamenco palos (Bulería, Jaleo, Alegría, Seguir