• AutoProfiler for SmartWatch Free Trial

    This is extension for the Sony SmartWatch and Smart Wireless Headset pro.The application allows you to automatically change the profile. When connecting and disconnecting the SmartWatch is automatically activated one of the

  • SWP - Player for SmartWatch 2 Free Trial

    SWP - music player for Sony SmartWatch 2. The application is completely independent music player. The application is designed only for playing local music files.Key futures:- View/select albums, artists and playlists directl

  • SmartWeather for SmartWatch Free Trial

    Weather extension for SmartWatch (1 and 2), SmartBand™ Talk SWR30, Smart Wireless Headset Pro by Sony.This extension displays the current weather and 5 day forecast.Key features:- Displays current weather and weather f

  • Smart Reader for SmartBand Free Trial

    Application for reading text files (.txt) on Sony SmartBand ™ Talk SWR30.Key features:- Suport plain text files (.txt),- Built-in file browser,- Support for different character sets,- Customizable appearance,

  • Dialer for Garmin Free Free

    The application allows you to load one contact at the watch and make calls directly from them.How to use:1. Install Android app to the phone from Google Play and watch app (or widget) from Garmin Connect IQ Store to the Garm

  • Dialer for Garmin Connect IQ Watches Free Trial

    The application allows you to load up to 20 contacts at the watch and make calls directly from them.How to use:1. Install Android app to the phone from Google Play and watch app (or widget) from Garmin Connect IQ Store t

  • Clocki for SmartBand Talk Free Trial

    Watch face editor and set of watch faces for Sony SmartBand™ Talk SWR30.Key features:- (NEW) Watch face editor - customise your own watch faces,- 12 watch face styles,- Displays the current weather for some watch faces

  • pReader for Pebble Free Trial

    This is an application for the Pebble watch, Pebble Steel and Pebble Time for reading plain text (.txt) files stored on your phone.Key features:- Built-in file browser,- Displays text correctly in any language (if supp

  • Smart Alarm for SmartWatch Free Trial

    Smart alarm clock for Sony SmartWatch (1 and 2).This app - the first smart alarm clock for the SmartWatch.With a built-in accelerometer SmartWatch, managed to create an alarm clock that trthe threshold is passed, SmartWa

  • Camera Remote for Garmin Connect IQ Watches Free Trial

    The app for Garmin smart watches, which allows you to control the phone camera - take photo or video directly from your smart watch.How to use:1. Install this Android app on the phone;2: If you use special modes of the

  • Smart Reader for SmartWatch Free Trial

    This is an application for the Sony SmartWatch (1 and 2), enables you to open text files (.txt).Key features:- Built-in file browser,- Support for different character sets,- Customizable appearance,- Automatic dete