PROGRAMS BY Beaver Valley Software Company

  • Comic Book Millennium Free Trial

    Comic Book Millennium 5 gives the user many tools to track their comic book collection. It is written by a comic book collector for comic book collectors. The first version of this program was written because no programs at t

  • DVD Organizer Free Trial

    Now you can easily keep track of your DVD collection. By keeping your dvds cataloged, you know what movies you have the next time you're looking for something to watch. In addition, if you loan out your dvds to friends or fam

  • E-Gold Flash Button Creator Free Trial

    Like our popular flash button creator for PayPal, the E-Gold Flash Button Creator can be used for Flash websites or HTML websites. With Flash websites, one of the hardest things is importing the HTML code into the buttons th

  • PayPal Flash Button Creator Free Trial

    Chances are you've had your PayPal email address collected by a spam robot. Or someone has checked the source code of your webpage to try to find a way to get your product for free or at a cheaper price. By putting your paypa

  • PayPal Flash Button Enhancer Free Trial

    This program creates the code that the Flash buttons being sold around the internet use to inform Paypal of the product's information. The added bonus is that it supplies the code necessary for all the options that Paypal o

  • Help Writer Free Trial

    This program quickly creates the HTML Help files that are standard for the Windows platform. All you need to do is title the content for the Table of Contents, add any keywords, and write the body of the topic. It adds the to