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Chess software programs for playing chess are fun and help you improve your chess game.d.f.g ChessExpert XP is not just a chess playing monster, it is a friendly chess partner for beginners to professionals. Many of the wo
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Have you ever noticed that your computer's clock isn't very accurate?dfg AtomicTimeSync XP is a professional Time Synchronization Utility to synchronize your PC via the internet. This can be done manually or automatically. I
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This program is a professional shutdown, automation, atomic time synchronizing, disk cleaning and PC protection utility - the best you can get today. dfg ShutDown XP gives you an easy and thorough time controlled and automati
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It's simply the best! - The fastest, award winning and easy to use back up and restore program for nearly all backup medias - HD, ZIP, FTP, CD R/RW, etc. It is the most effective and fastest you can get today. Unlimited back