PROGRAMS BY Dark Droid Devs

  • Blonde Jokes! Free

    Check out some Blonde Jokes!Blonde Jokes has the funniest Blonde jokes.From blonde stories, to classic dumb blonde.Get Blonde Jokes today! No internet required. C'mon who doesn't like a good dumb blondejoke?

  • Phobias Free Trial

    Get Phobias and check out a comprehensive list of phobias from all the way from Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing, to Zoophobia- Fear of animals. Learn a new phobia randomly in Random View or look at all of them or sea

  • Confucius Say... Free Trial

    Confucius Say, The funniest Confucius Say jokes around.Contains dirty joke, jokes, funny, fun, Confucius facts, Confucius jokes, Confucius sayings, Famous Confucius sayings, Famous Confucius Quotes