PROGRAMS BY Deinmeister Digital Delusions

  • SpacemouseCursorTool Free

    This tool maps the movement of a spacemouse, spaceball, spacenavigator or similar 3D input device to cursor keys (up,down,left,right) as well as other keys including extra keys and mouse buttons. Up to 128 keys can be assigne

  • JoystickMouse Control Tool Free

    This tool simulates a 3 button wheel mouse using a joystick in both relative (like a mouse) and absolute movement mode (like a graphic tablet). Additional mouse buttons are supported under 2000/XP as well. The taskbar icon sh

  • JoystickCursor Control Tool Free

    This tool maps the movement of a joystick to the cursor keys (up,down,left,right) as well as other keys. Up to 128 keys can be assigned. Multiple joysticks, key combinations and configurations supported.Great for scrolling a