PROGRAMS BY Dmitry A. Kazakov

  • Fuzzy sets for Ada Free

    The library provides implementations of of fuzzy standard and intuitionistic sets, plain and dimensioned fuzzy numbers, fuzzy logic, plain and dimensioned linguistic variables, fuzzy sets of linguistic variables. Lattice oper

  • Units of measurement Free

    A library for dealing with and converting dimensioned values. The library features: physically correct mixed unit arithmetic such as adding feets and meters yielding a right result; shifted units like degree of Celsius and Fa

  • Strings edit Free

    A library of routines designed to support consequent input (parsing) and output (formatting) of various numeric types: among them integer, floating-point, Roman, UTF-8 encoded sub-/superscript integers. Output can be aligned.

  • Simple components for Ada Free

    This library provides implementations of smart pointers for automatically collected objects (using reference counting); database-indpendent object persistence through ODBC or SQLite with persistent objects that may depend on

  • Clipman Free

    A clipboard manager utility for Windows intended to extend an IDE text editor to provide formatting or sorting parts of the source text upon cut and paste. Ada, Pascal, C/C++ comments are recognized, including /*..*/ comments