• PMVR - Patented Mappable VR Free Trial

    PMVR displays 360 degree panoramic images in a web page and in full screen mode (great performance, even on 2560x1600 displays) - a great alternative to QTVR (QuickTime VR) for creating large multi-node virtual tours. PMVR w

  • AutoRun Slideshow Free Trial

    AutoRun SlideShow allows you to create self-contained slide show autorun CDs for friends and family. There is no need to install SlideShow before running. Just insert your CD and watch your slideshow. Multiple slide shows

  • WinOpen Free Trial

    WinOpen is a very small Win32 application that gives you much better control over what application is run or what file is opened within a CD AUTORUN.INF file.

  • MakeInstall Free

    MakeInstall creates an INSTALL.EXE for your Java program, with full install and uninstall support -- - A great alternative to InstallShield.

  • JexePack Free Trial

    JexePack allows you to deploy your Java application, along with its resources (like GIF, JPG, JNI DLLs, etc), into a single compressed 32-bit Windows EXE that targets Sun's Java Runtime Environment. Supports an EXE an a Wind

  • IPJudo Free Trial

    The kick'n TCP/IP diagnostic toolkit - cool tools for network troubleshooting. Includes GeoRoute (a geographical trace route displayed on a world map), Bandwidth (an Internet speed tester which analyzes your Internet connect

  • PhotoFinder Free Trial

    PhotoFinder creates high-quality thumbnail images for all the photos on a hard drive. View these thumbnails at 50%, 100% or 200% to quickly review and locate photos in a folder you select, which can be the entire hard drive.