PROGRAMS BY Duncan Cuthbertson

  • Perfect Girlfriend Free

    Perfect GirlfriendEver wanted the perfect girlfriend? well now you can have her on your iPhone or iPadShe'll give you compliments when you need a compliment, she'll chat you up when you want her too and she will also respon

  • Cha Cha Slide Free Trial

    Cha Cha Slide Soundboard*****Great for DJ s & Party People*****This app has 57 acapella samples from the dance craze song Cha Cha Slide, and also tells you how to do the dance moves.How to use:For DJ s just plug your

  • Sex Chat Free Trial

    Flirty app for guys and girls who love to chat about the S word but are a little shy to say what they are feeling,Strictly over 17 + only*****Very Flirty App*****

  • Bingo Caller - Movie Trailer Voice Free

    Movie Trailer Voice Bingo.Using the BIG Movie Trailer Voice, we give you a new host for your game of Bingo.Choose between regular Bingo calling or take the old school approach with all the cliches read by The Movie Trailer