PROGRAMS BY engbabura

  • Riyadh Salihin Sheik Jafar Free

    You can now listen to the audio lessons of Riyadh Salihin given by Sheik Jafar Mahmud Adam Kano, the application contains the original Arabic text of Riyadh Salihin for easy following of the lessons, this is for those trying

  • Tafseer Sheik Jaafar Free

    This is a compilation of Qur'anic tafseer by Sheik Jafar Mahmud Adam Kano. You can also download some of our applications of Sheik Jaafar Mahmud Adam like:1. Riyadh Assalihin.2. Umdatul Ahkam 2. Kitab Jana'iz and so on.May A

  • Umdatul Ahkaam Sheik Jafar Free

    You can now listen to the audio lessons of Umdatul Ahkam given by Sheik Jafar Mahmud Adam Kano, the application contains the original Arabic text of Umdatul Ahkaam for easy following of the lessons, this is for those trying t