PROGRAMS BY Fashion Digital

  • FD Split Excel Workbook Free Trial

    Deal with a large Excel workbookYou may need to split a large workbook to separate Excel files with saving each worksheet of the workbook as an individual Excel file. For example, you can split a workbook into multiple indi

  • FD Merge Excel Workbooks Free Trial

    Merge Excel Worksheets From Multiple Workbooks Into One FileHow to merge hundreds of Excel spreadsheet files?'I have hundreds of excel files which are all of the same format (i.e. 1 worksheet per Excel file). I need to com

  • FD Merge Excel Spreadsheets Free Trial

    How to merge or combine rows/columns from mulitple Excel spreadsheets into one master/summary table“Recently I’ve got something to work on with several excel files. More than 150 excel files generated by a web based applic