PROGRAMS BY Flexigen Software

  • AccelMan Free Trial

    AccelMan is a modern file manager incorporating a file viewer, GUI console, media player, and bookmarks manager. In AccelMan, you are not restricted to an obsolete dual-pane file manager interface - you can open as many manag

  • ActualDoc Standard Free

    - You know that you created a document last week, but you can't remember where you put it?- You need to copy an image from a document that you created yesterday?- You need a paragraph, but you can't remember which document

  • ActualDoc Professional Free Trial

    - You know that you created a document last week, but you can't remember where you put it?- Do you need to copy an image from a document that you created yesterday?- Do you need a paragraph, but you can't remember which doc

  • AccelClip Free Trial

    This universal and secure clipboard extension tool is combined with a file viewer and can be used as a regular clipboard, a password manager, templates storage, online/offline forms filler, viewer of text, images, PDF, HTML a