PROGRAMS BY Fresh Software LLC

  • Warden Free Trial

    Warden is a .htpasswd and .htaccess manager for Apache-based web servers. It applies password protection to any web folder or resource in three easy steps: Edit user accounts, Edit FTP information, and apply. Manage multipl

  • Warden Free Trial

    Warden is a .htpasswd and .htaccess manager for Apache-based web servers. It applies password protection to any web folder or resource in three easy steps: Edit user accounts, Edit FTP information, and apply. Manage multipl

  • Sentry 3.0 Free Trial

    Sentry locks down your computer on demand so it stays secure when you aren't using it. No other programs can be opened, no browser history can be snooped at, and nobody will be touching your files while you're gone. Sentry ca

  • Sentry Free Trial

    Sentry locks down your computer on demand so it stays secure when you aren't using it. No other programs can be opened, no browser history can be snooped at, and nobody will be touching your files while you're gone. Sentry ca

  • X-NetStat Professional Free Trial

    X-NetStat Professional shows your current Internet and network connections in realtime. These connections are established each time you visit a web page, send an instant message, check your email, or anytime you do network ac