PROGRAMS BY Fungusware

  • LojiklSweep (64 Bit) Free

    LojiklSweep is a flexible backup tools that can be twisted and turned, folded and moulded to fit almost any backup task. LojiklSweep was created out of a desire to be able to customize an enterprises backup requireme

  • FileSavvy Free

    FileSavvy provides a graphical way to automate common file managment tasks. If you are tired of repetitive jobs like, backing up, preparing files for development builds, gathering files for distribution or any other complex y

  • LojiklSweep Free

    LojiklSweep is a flexible backup tools that can be twisted and turned, folded and moulded to fit almost any backup task. LojiklSweep was created out of a desire to be able to customize an enterprises backup requireme

  • FolderDog Free

    Monitoring how much hard disk space is being used on a single computer can be a daunting task. Now imagine if you needed to monitor the amount of hard disk space is being used on 5 computers. What if different users on your