PROGRAMS BY galaticdroids

  • Turbo Snail Racing Free

    Turbo Snail RacingWe're off to the horse races ... er make that Snail Races with this carnival favourite.Easy to play, just throw your ping pong balls into the holes to race your favourite snail towards the finish line.

  • Alien Swarm Pro Free Trial

    Alien Swarm Pro (One more life than our free edition)The aliens are invading again, swarming around in dazzling attack patterns.You task is simple, blow'em all to bits!Recapture the magic of those arcade days and spa

  • Clock Patience Solitaire Pro Free Trial

    Clock Patience Solitaire Pro - no interrupting Ads.A classic solitaire card game for your android phone or tablet.This is a very easy card game that only takes a couple of minutes to play, although we're sure you'll kee