PROGRAMS BY Garen J Torikian

  • Shelves Free

    *** Hello friend. Shelves is now an open source project. You can access the source code at****** Development is now entirely dependent on open-source contributions. My infinite gratitude

  • Shelves UNLOCKER Free Trial

    Manage your collection of apparel, board games, books, gadgets, movies, music, software, tools, toys, video games.This is an UNLOCKER app for Shelves (com.miadzin.shelves). After you install this app, the ads are removed fro

  • Earthbound Battle Backgrounds Free Trial

    This is a live wallpaper for Android 2.1+ that shows the battle background animations from Earthbound (Mother 2).There are over 52,000 possible background combinations to choose from! You can pick random wallpapers, or choos