• WaitForFile Free

    Try to open a file with exclusive access. This can be very useful in a bat-file if you want to process a specific file that may be opened in another program (word for example). WaitForFile will block until it is able to open

  • watchDirectory Free Trial

    WatchDirectory automatically starts tasks when the directory contents that this program is monitoring changes (a file or directory is added, deleted or changed).You can choose from the following predefined tasks:Automatical

  • imgThumb Free Trial

    The imgThumb thumbnail creator program enables you to make a smaller sized thumbnails and HTML for your original pictures. It allows you to specify the width or height in pixels. By making thumbnails you reduce the size from

  • FileLink Free

    Unix users know and love it, now Windows users have the ability to give a single file multiple names. If you have the existing file C:DOCSFILE.DOC and execute the command FileLink C:MEMOANOTHER.DOC C:DOCSFILE.DOC, the data of