• EZ Save Flash Free Trial

    EZ Save Flash is an Internet Explorer add-on that enables you to save Flash (.swf) and movie (.flv .mp4) files in just one click. The program integrates into the IE context menu and makes new options available when right-clic

  • IEToolKit Free Trial

    IEToolkit is an add-on for Internet Explorer, that adds a new toolbar with several useful features. It allows you to capture a full size screenshot of an entire web page (no scrolling needed) in .BMP or JPG format; save the c

  • EZ Save MHT Free Trial

    EZ Save MHT is an Internet Explorer add-on that allows you to save any web page as a standard .MHT web archive file with a single click. WebArchives are complete web pages with images and all, but saved as a single, standalon