PROGRAMS BY Hlidskialf

  • Filer - File Manager Free Trial

    Android File BrowserBrowse and manage files on SDCard.Copy, Move or Delete directories and their contentsCustomize file types with icons and actionsHelp manual with how-to videosFiler is open source.Filer will always be $0.9

  • Pomodoro - Productivity Timer Free Trial

    A tomato timer for using the Pomodoro technique.The pomodoro technique is a personal time management method: 1. Choose a task. 2. Work uninterrupted for 25 minutes. 3. Walk away and break for 5 minutes. 4. After 4 tomatos, t

  • Alarming! Alarm Clock Free Trial

    The only alarm clock you needv2.2.0: Settings FC Fix! Yay!Report Bugs or Suggest Features on new community site Customizable Clock Widget Shake to snooze Math or Puzzle Captcha Bed clock Di

  • Tone Picker - MP3 Ringtones Free

    A Ringtone picker.Use Tone Picker to choose any of your local music for any of your Ringtones, Notifications, or Alarms.Use in conjunction with the system settings or any other app's settings to customize your alerts.Splash