PROGRAMS BY Joseph Jaquinta

  • uPRIDE: gay pride week Free Trial

    In celebration of Pride the world your GAY PRIDE! Download the app. Snap a photo. uPRIDE will pimp your photos with gay rights slogans, graphics, etc. With another click, you can upload to Facebook, Twitter, Flic

  • Lotusphere 2012 Scheduler Free

    TsaTsaTzu ProductionsThis application is a simple resource to help you organize your Lotusphere 2012 schedule and get you to the events you need to go to. The data is driven by the wonderful database created by the folks at

  • uBuddha: Celebrate the Buddha Free

    The Buddha is revered around the world.* On May 17th Buddhists from around the world* will observe the anniversary** of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and attainment of Nirvana in death.It is a day to pay hommage to the